Colorado Life & Health Insurance Protection Association


Welcome to the Life and Health Insurance Protection Association website. This site has been created to provide information regarding the history and purpose of the Life and Health Insurance Protection Association.


Information for Policyholders of Colorado Bankers Life Insurance Company ("CBL") and Bankers Life Insurance Company ("BLIC")

On November 30, 2024, guaranty associations were activated to provide coverage to CBL and BLIC policyholders. Policyholders are encouraged to visit for more information.

Note on the Association's Disclaimer Document

After due deliberation, the Association has decided not to change its disclaimer document in the wake of the 2023 amendments to the Association’s Act adding HMOs to its membership. Members should continue to use the existing disclaimer document in issuing their policies and contracts pursuant to Colorado Statutes §10-20-119(2).

Notice Re Operation of Life and Health Insurance Protection Association (“Association”) in Light of COVID-19

The Association is fully prepared to continue all operations. The Association’s physical office is closed. All staff are working remotely and have full capability to handle inquiries. You should continue to use the same phone number, email, and fax number as you have in the past, and all means of communication are regularly being monitored. [If applicable: However, there may be a delay in collecting physical mail; therefore, we encourage use of email or fax for written communication.]

Senior Health Insurance Company of Pennsylvania (SHIP) Placed in Rehabilitation

On January 29, 2020, Senior Health Insurance Company of Pennsylvania (SHIP) was placed in rehabilitation by the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania. The company’s website now includes a section with FAQs that help address common questions from policyholders and other stakeholders. You can access it here –